Sesc Summer 2023
Every year, from January to February, Sesc units throughout Brazil host Sesc Verão (Sesc Summer), an event that promotes sports and physical exercise. With workshops, lectures, and festivals, the initiative aims to encourage accredited members to include physical activity in their daily lives, as well as to raise awareness about the positive effects on health and wellbeing. In the summer of 2023, the campaign's motto was "Practice wherever you are, however you want," marking the resume of the schedule without the Covid-related restrictions.
The visual communication of an event that occupies the institution's facilities should be vibrant and inviting. To achieve this, the identity system combines two concepts: the fun of summer vacations and the energy of na active lifestyle. In practical terms, the identity needs to provide tools to create a wide variety of communication pieces in different formats.
The graphic patterns used in communication pieces and the design of Sesc spaces are inspired by the simplified elements present in the sports environment, such as court lines, pool lanes, and the water movement. These patterns play with perspective to create a sense of movement. The same approach is taken with the typographic treatment of the months and headlines, which use different vanishing points to add dynamism to the compositions.
To add flexibility to the system, the grid is constructed by superimposing two modular layers that are visible in the vertices of the modules. This feature makes it easier to arrange materials and adapt them to new formats, while it gives more vibrant colors to the pieces. At the end of the project, the system's rationale and tools were shared with Sesc's internal design teams, making the production of pieces more supple and decentralized.
Creative Direction: Bruno Ribeiro, Ralph Mayer Design: Bruno Ribeiro, Ralph Mayer, Satsuki Arakaki 3D: Matheus Costa
Anita Cleto, Claudia Campos, Erica Martins, Gabriela Borsoi, Michelly Magalhães Photos of the units kindly provided by Sesc SP. Credits: Ricardo Ferreira (Belenzinho, Guarulhos, Santo André); Evelson de Freitas (Mogi das Cruzes, Santo Amaro); Matheus José Maria (Pinheiros, Taubaté)
Mori Gothic (Inari Type) New Title (Indian Type Foundry)
Editorial Visual Identity Environmental Design