Ribon is a decentralized donation platform that allows donors to encourage others to join in a global culture of donating. It is a unique and innovative framework, created by the Ribon team and awarded by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and IDEO as one of the 10 most innovative platforms of the world in the donation market. To prepare for ever-increasing challenges, the company turned to Polar to design a visual identity compatible with the visibility the company has achieved. The brand was seeking to communicate better with the current audience, in addition to reaching more people to build their community.
The identity should incorporate elements present in the universe of DAOs and blockchain in its language, while remaining inviting and welcoming. Another important premise that guided the design choices is that the assets should be open source, since the visual communication would also be executed in a decentralized way. Therefore, the ability to share and ease of deployment were aspects evaluated for creating the identity system.
The concept of community was the guiding principle for establishing the visual parameters of the system. The generation of graphics from the sum of geometric shapes is a direct allusion to the transformation process that Ribon provides. The symbol, which is a rereading of the previous brand, seeks to refer to the concept of glow, an interpretation of the chain reaction caused by donations made on the platform and the feeling of well-being provided to donors.
The project also had the assertive look of Estúdio Passeio, which was in charge of delivering the brand's illustration style. The illustrated scenes are built by simplified lines that dialogue with the graphic elements of the identity, bringing warmth and humanizing the communication.
Creative Direction: Ralph Mayer Design: Ralph Mayer, Stella Bonici Motion Design: Rônatan Bica 3D: Matheus Costa
João Moraes, Moriah Rickli
Ilustração: Estúdio Passeio Website: Zenit
Gambarino (Indian Type Foundry) Inter (Rasmus Andersson)
Visual Identity