ECP Schedule
The goal of Agenda ECP was to develop a simple, low-cost, and attractive printed material that could help readers easily access information. This printed publication accompanied Esporte Clube Pinheiros' monthly magazine that promoted the cultural program of the institution.
To achieve this mission, the graphic design project focused on making it easier to flip through the days and kinds of available events. The typographic treatment of the content prioritized organization and legibility. Differentiation between editions was achieved through a change in color each month. On the covers, the number of each month was reflected in the number of Pantone shades used to form abstract illustrations.
Creative Direction: Bruno Ribeiro, Ralph Mayer Graphic Project: Bruno Ribeiro Design and Illustrations: Bruno Ribeiro, Estela Mendes
Diego Muniz, Luma Pereira
FF Real (FontFont)
Editorial Project Graphic Project Booklet Layout Illustration