Combining education and technology, Trybe prepares people to meet a growing demand in the tech area in Brazil. Focusing on employability, the school offers training for developers and connects them with companies that recruit these professionals: a model that has been standing out for having a significant impact on students' careers and on the Brazilian market. The relevance achieved by Trybe quickly created the need for a brand compatible with the size of the company and the teaching experience, as well as a visual universe capable of speaking directly to its community.
The modular grid concept permeates the entire design system, and can be seen from the construction of graphic elements to the composition of layouts. In a flexible logic, the windows structured in squares and rectangles are organized to meet the needs of the content, whether texts, images, vídeos or illustrations, ensuring unity in the visual language of the most varied pieces. Harmonically dialoguing with the symbol, which has received subtle adjustments, the logotype was redesigned with an exclusive typography that brings consistente proportions and details that confer originality.
In addition to the chromatic realm, previously established by the color green, the color palette has been expanded to accommodate a wide variety of expressions within the system. Another important resource proposed is the illustration style, capable of representing importante attributes of Trybe's lexicon such as technology, education and accessibility. Making use of geometric shapes, the scenes portray the support offered to students in their trajectory within the school, while exalting the individuality of each one.
Finally, the system also comprises rulings for the animation. Values such as evolution, ascension and belongingness guide the movement decisions of visual tools, such as logo, typography, transitions and title cards. In this way, Trybe's motion identity reaffirms and expands its expression in the details, reinforcing values such as learning, trust and innovation.
Creative Direction: Ralph Mayer, Ronaldo Vidal Design: Matheus Costa, Ralph Mayer, Ronaldo Vidal, Satsuki Arakaki, Stella Bonici Illustration: Stella Bonici 3D Design: Matheus Costa Motion Design: Ronaldo Vidal, Rônatan Bica Logo Redesign: Satsuki Arakaki Case Study Photography: Ronaldo Vidal
Laio Kogawa, Leticia Pettena, Ligia Salton, Luisa Lisboa
Inter (Rasmus Andersson) Roobert (Displaay Type Foundry)
Illustration Motion Design Motion Identity Visual identity
Behance (featured in Behance gallery)