20/20 Calendar
The Calendar, Ltda. 2020 is part of a studio tradition that began in 2018, in which annually a poster that reimagines time counting becomes a pretext for graphic experimentation. At first, the posters were designed as gifts for partners, customers and friends, and today they are also available for sale in our shop.
In 2020, the poster graphically explores the relationship between typographic scale, distance and time. The inspiration was the 20/20 visual acuity test (or Snellen Chart). In the vision considered normal, the observer is able to see the line marked 20/20 at a distance of 20 feet (approximately 6 meters).
Design: Bruno Ribeiro, Lais Ikoma, Matheus Sakita, Ralph Mayer, Ronaldo Arthur Vidal Case Study Photography: Lais Ikoma, Ronaldo Arthur Vidal
Format: 420×594 mm Paper: Coated Matte 150g / m2 Printing: Offset Colors: Black, Pantone Lumiset 804C and Pantone Metallic 877C
Universal Sans (Family Type)
Poster design Print
Latin American Design Awards (silver) Behance (featured in Behance Gallery)